Save Money On Your Future Electricity Bills
We all know the expression 'The house is lit up like a christmas tree'.
Well with modern LED lighting, the shock of receiving future electricity bills can be reduced by replacing old incandescent or halogen lighting with LEDs.
LED is the latest lighting technology and far superior to traditional incandescent and halogen lighting.
The key benefits of LED lighting over traditional lighting are:
LED is designed to last much longer. Typically LED lamps have a lifetime of 25,000 hours which can equate to over 22 years if used for an average of 3 hours per day. This results in saving money on replacement lamps and home maintenance requirements. Incandescent lamps last around 1000 - 2000 hours (1-2 years) while Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) last around 6000 - 15000 hours (6 - 13 years).
LED lighting consumes far less power typically 80+ percent less power than the older methods of lighting.
LED lighting operates at lower temperatures, so greatly reducing the risk of fire. Some LED downlights allow thermal insulation to be directly installed over the downlight reducing the need to cut sections out of the thermal insulation during installation of the downlight.
The initial cost of LED replacement can be payed back in 1 to 2 years.
Unlike Compact Fluorescent Lamps which take 10 to 15 minutes to achieve full brightness, LED lamps switch on and off instantly and are flicker free.
CFL contain a small amount of mercury, LED lamps are mercury free, which is better for the environment.
The cost of LED lighting products is falling, so with the rising cost of electricity, LED is a wise investment choice to reduce the cost of running a household.
If you would like further information after reading this blog, please contact WiseOne Electrical Services on 0418200753 or email to discuss your LED lighting requirements